


Hip Replacement Operation – Learn Past, Improve Future

The Past of Hip Surgery :
Throughout the history of joint replacements, various materials have been tried and progressively refinec Hip replacement information is vital for further advancements in the field. The information about first device implanted to replace the arthritic hip shows that researchers tried putting a variety of materials between tru joints to make it work. A very significant attempt was made by Dr. Marius Smith-Peterson, of Massachusett General Hospital, in 1923. He covered and reshaped an arthritic femoral head. This design of artificial hi| failed, however it led to development of artificial joints made of strong and durable plastic and then met£ materials. The information available shows that this was a foundation stone for further developments am refinements in artificial joints. Sir John Charnley, an English surgeon reduced the head size of the standan femoral component, a very important modification. He was the one to suggest plastic and metal femora prosthesis. This design of artificial joint was a breakthrough. The concept of plastic acetabular surfaa against the metallic femoral head improved the function drastically. This became the basic structure of the artificial hips.

Other Developments:
Medical techniques and hip replacement information come together. Many surgeons and bioengineers contributed to the history, concepts, techniques and designs of implants for total hip replacement to relieve pain for arthritis of hip joints. Concepts were developed regarding surgery techniques, the rehabilitation process and rehabilitation and exercises after operation. Replacement: previously done with traditional implants and approach were tried with newer material like ceramic and minimally invasive approach. As a result, recovery became better and complications were minimal.

NITOR is not lacking behind. Arthroplasty started here in 1990. Among adult Reconstructive procedure Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty is a frequent procedure in NITOR. Our skill and expertise is increasing day by day.


This unit is headed by Prof. Dr. Wahidur Rahman now.

THR being performed
